UD1. Never judge a book by its cover.
1.1. Grammar reference: Word formation.
1.2. Grammar reference: More about adjectives.
1.3. Grammar reference: Relative clauses.
1.4. Grammar reference. Deduction: present and past.
1.5. Writing tips. How to write an informal email.
UD2. Down-to-earth.
2.1. Grammar Reference. What’s in a noun?.
2.2. Grammar reference: Modals and expressions of probability.
2.3. Grammar reference: Conditionals. Alternatives to if.
2.4. Grammar reference: Punctuation marks.
2.5. Pronunciation Reference. Contractions/Linking.
UD3. Home sweet home.
3.1. Grammar reference: Verbs in a state!.
3.2. Grammar reference: Modals of obligation/absence of obliga¬tion/prohibition/advice.
3.3. Grammar reference: The imperative.
3.4. Grammar reference: Have/Get something done.
3.5. Writing tips. Follow this pattern.
UD4. A penny for your thoughts.
4.1. Grammar Reference. Infinitive and -ing.
4.2. Vocabulari. Let’s Count.
4.3. Reading. A rich man.
4.4. Grammar Reference. Infinitive versus -ing.
4.5. Grammar Reference. Saxon Genitive and Double Genitive.
4.6. Vocabulary. Expressions.
4.7. Grammar Reference. Participle clauses.
UD5. Caught red-handed.
5.1. Grammar reference: Order! Order.
5.2. Grammar reference: Emphasis.
5.3. Grammar reference: Inversions.
5.4. Grammar reference: Tag questions.
5.5. Grammar reference: Cleft sentences.
5.6. Writing tips. Write a review.
UD6. Out and about.
6.1. Grammar Reference. Used to.
6.2. Grammar Reference. Would.
6.3. Grammar Reference. Narrative Tenses.
6.4. Grammar Reference. Gradation of adverbs.
6.5. Grammar Reference. About Prepositions.
6.6. Vocabulary. Leisure: Travelling.
6.7. Pronunciation Reference. Pronunciation of -ed.
UD7. TV or not TV?.
7.1. Grammar Reference. Impersonal report structures.
7.2. Grammar reference. Characteristics headlines.
7.3. Grammar Reference. Clauses expressing contrast.
7.4. Pronunciation Reference. Contrastive intonation.
UD8. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
8.1. Grammar reference: Reported speech. Reporting statements and commands.
8.2. Grammar reference: Reporting questions and indirect ques¬tions.
8.3. Vocabulary tip: Ache, Pain and Hurt.
8.4. Writing tips.
8.5. Pronunciation reference: Homographs and Homophones.
UD9. No regrets just lessons learned.
9.1. Grammar Reference. I wish/if only.
9.2. Grammar Reference. Would rather/would sooner/had better.
9.3. Grammar Reference. Group Nouns.
9.4. Grammar Reference. It’s time/It’s about time/It’s high time.
9.5. Vocabulary. False Friends.
9.6. Pronunciation Reference. /s/ - /z/ - /?/.
UD10. Facebook = Language facelift?.
10.1. Grammar reference: Future continuous and perfect.
10.2. Grammar reference: The future from past perspective.
10.3. Vocabulary reference: Compounds with -ever.
10.4. Grammar reference: Use of articles.
10.5. Writing tips.
10.6. Grammar reference. In short.
10.7. Vocabulary. Dictionary advice.
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• TRABAJO AUTÓNOMO: Sistema de trabajo donde el/la alumno/a asume la responsabilidad de su proceso de aprendizaje, adaptándolo a su ritmo de trabajo y a sus propias necesidades, lo que exige una mayor implicación por su parte.
Las acciones formativas están diseñadas para propiciar el fomento de las habilidades, conocimientos y experiencias relevantes para el desarrollo profesional dentro del ámbito de la temática del curso.
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